Of the two books I carried on a recent cross-country flight, I put off reading the book about beating procrastination, and chose Hate instead. The opening paragraph describes the weather in San Diego, pleasant as expected. Paragraphs two and three introduce two men sitting in a parked truck in front of a school, semi-automatic rifles on the floor. What happens to the bad guys, and there are many in this novel, is not pleasant, and how they meet their ends, at the hands of Craig and Cate, the aggrieved parents, is a thrilling and morally ambivalent journey of the unexpected.

The author crafts a masterful plot of vengeance, supported by interesting characters, exquisite detail, suspense, and surprise. According to the author’s website, his novel was first written as a screenplay. I could easily imagine watching this adventure on the big screen. Five stars to Brad Randolph for an excellent read. 



Great read. Exposure to the inner workings of as well as hate crimes and hate groups, Randolph look at the inside of powerful groups as well as ethics, morality and personal sacrifices in a time of dispair. Great thriller.
— KG